
Word Usage

Here is a list of commonly misused words or word phrases. The definitions of these words or word phrases may come from Cambridge Dictionaries Online, MacMillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners or Oxford Dictionaries Online.

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wangle, wrangle

Which should you use, wangle or wrangle ? The verb wangle means to succeed in getting or doing something by persuading someone or by being clever in...

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wait, weight

Which should you use, wait or weight ? The verb weight or weight down means to make something heavier by putting a weight on it; weighted is the past...

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wait down, weigh down, weight down

Which should you use, wait down , weigh down , or weight down ? The phrasal verb weigh down means to make someone heavy and unable to move easily. To...

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waist, waste

Which should you use, waist or waste ? The noun waist is the part of the body above the hips. The verb waste means to use too much of something. ...

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wailing, whaling

Which should you use, wailing or whaling ? The verb wail means to make a long, high cry, usually because of pain or sadness. Wailing means crying....

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vigilant, vigilante

Which should you use, vigilant or vigilante ? Vigilant is an adjective meaning to be keenly watchful to avoid danger or trouble. A vigilante is a...

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vice versa, visa versa

Which should you use, vice versa or visa versa ? The expression vice versa is used to state that what you have just said is also true with the order...

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varied, various

Which should you use, varied or various ? The adjective varied means showing variation or variety. The adjective various means different and more...

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use to, used to

Which should you use, use to or used to ? The construction used to is used for saying what was true or what happened regularly in the past. Correct:...

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urban, urbane

Which should you use, urban or urbane ? The adjective urban may mean relating to towns and cities or happening there. The adjective urbane means...

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